Workshop for Men: Approaching Women - Raw & Heart Centered Truths

Saturday, May 28, 2016 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM (PDT)

2680 Fayette Dr.,
Mountain View, CA 94040

A workshop ideal for men starting over.  Re-connect with yourself, your real desires, and open your heart once again for connection. Get back in the game and learn the formula for starting and keeping conversations hot and re-booting your confidence.

This workshop is about relating to women in a way that inspires your life by getting your needs met, fulfilled, and celebrated.  This workshop is a mix of discussions and exercises revealing fears, beliefs, and excuses cock blocking you from your true desires. Included are writing exercises, group exercises, an amazing live opportunity to practice approaching women, and most favorably reviewed part of the workshop; the women's panel discussion where we invite real authentic questions and conversation with our woman advocates.

If you want different results, take different actions.

Entering a safe sacred space with two of the bay area's hottest heart centered intimacy coaches is the most pleasurable way to try something new in your approach to meeting women.

Did you know simply clearing a few misbeliefs blocking your success will make the difference for you.

How do I know if I am walking around with beliefs blocking my success in meeting women?
v  If you are not getting the results, you want.
v  If you keep experiencing the same feelings of defeat, rejection, or anxiety over and over again.
v  If your so confused about where and how to meet women.
v  The good news is......
v  Clearing the heart clutter, myths, and fears around approaching women is important so you can feel to begin a new paradigm of having amazing success with women.
v  Imagine you being totally welcomed, loved, and adored just for being you....
v  If you've always wanted a safe sacred space to invite in and learn a new way of meeting women so you can feel your needs are getting met, this workshop is for you.
v  If you've always wanted relief from the feeling of having to perform and jump through hoops with women, this workshop is for you.
v  If you'd just love to be yourself and let that be enough, this workshop is for you.

Cost: $85 - $115

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