Heal Chronic Illness, Depression & Anxiety with Shamanism & Neuroplasticity

Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Manzanita Wellness Center
2818 San Pablo Avenue (2 blocks north of Ashby),
Berkeley, CA

In this full-day, highly experiential intensive, you'll gain more understanding of exactly how and why shamanic techniques can work where modern medicine, psychology and psychiatry often fail - and then we'll dive into experiences of that healing.

• You'll learn cutting-edge understandings of neuroplasticity - how brain changes which you can consciously initiate can heal problems you've struggled with for years, decades... or lifetimes.

• Understand why and how trauma has locked us in patterns of physical and/or emotional imbalance, and how to unlock and decode the patterns to restore your well-being.

• Learn how shamanic work functions outside of time and other usual limitations to effect profound healing, and how to combine it with physical-reality techniques to make its effects even stronger.

• Contact the powerful, compassionate guides, forces and energies available to assist you in retrieving your power, your soul and your joy, while restoring your energetic integrity.

• In addition to using shamanic techniques, I'll also share the very exciting findings from my training in the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, which has had astonishing success helping people heal themselves from multiple chemical and EMF sensitivity, food intolerance, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression and other limbic system disorders. (The DNRS becomes even more powerful when joined with shamanic work, so we can incorporate the energetic body and the soul along with the limbic system.)

Cost: $95

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