Conscious Relating Retreat: A Focus on Intimacy, Sexuality & Healing

May 13 - 15, 2016 (Friday – Sunday)

Awareness Institute
722 Alhambra Blvd.,
Sacramento, CA 95816

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Are you ready for a more fulfilling relationship experience?

If you are ready to create new levels of openness and authenticity with the people you love, this is the perfect time to attend the “Conscious Relating” Retreat! Get to know yourself – and your partner – in an entirely new way with this weekend intensive that re-awakens the joy and passion of relating.

The “Conscious Relating” retreats are designed to help us remember that surrender, trust and the willingness to be present are essential to any truly intimate experience. You will learn that conscious connecting is about growing through experience and courageously embracing change.

Cost: $595