The Sound Meditation Suicide Prevention Concert

Friday, May 20, 2016 at 7:30 PM - 9 PM

Grace Cathedral
1100 California St,
San Francisco, California 94108

On May 20th, nearly 1000 of us will drop into a guided sound meditation to benefit San Francisco Suicide Prevention. This is an event where community comes together to celebrate and honor how precious and significant each and every one of our lives are. It takes place at the landmark Grace Cathedral, and half of all proceeds are dedicated to San Francisco Suicide Prevention.

Our evening will feature 38" Paiste gongs, over two dozen huge crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bronze bowls, shamanic drums, hang drums, Native American flutes, Koshi chimes, Tingshe chimes, bells, and more.

During the event, participants lie down and are bathed head to toe in sound— it's a very hypnotic, ethereal experience. You will come away with a clear mind, and a deeper appreciation for the wonder of sound. We strongly recommend this event for people who have trouble meditating, or feel like they just "can't get there." Give this a try :).

Sound Meditation SF promotes the ancient healing practice of sound work as a way to affect physical health and conscious awareness.

Cost: $25 - $30

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