Authentic Relating Games in San Francisco

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PDT

237 Cumberland St.
Apartment #11
San Francisco, CA 94114

Authentic Relating Games are a fun and unique way to experience deeper connections. They are....

- Profound and playful icebreakers
- A simple format to break old patterns of communication, so that we can see the subtext and motivations in our interactions
- A relational API that lets you understand and be understood by anyone.

During the night, we will guide you on a journey of interpersonal experience. Using safe, powerful, and interactive "Games", we'll explore a depth of connection that is rarely attained in a single night...while having full permission for our unique boundaries and experiences.

By the end of a game, even though you may have just met these people, you may feel like you've known them for a long time. Many people express entering a room full of strangers and leaving feeling like lifelong friends.

From meditative depths of presence and ecstatic heights of joy, to somber melancholy and heart-pounding fun, we will guide an experience all the way through the human condition.

Cost: $20 - $35