Embodied Self: Yoga, Trauma, Zen

August 11-12, 2018 (Saturday – Sunday)

California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA

This workshop explores aspects of embodiment from the perspective of eastern and western traditions. David Emerson, the founder and director of the yoga program at the Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, is joined by Zen priest and teacher, Sarah Emerson to share insights from their respective traditions as well as contemporary research about the benefits of cultivating a conscious engagement with our embodied experience that not only enhances our human experience, but increases our capacity to meet our world with skillfulness and compassion.

This workshop offers a mixture of didactic presentations and practical exercises including:
·         Neuroscience
·         Trauma Theory
·         Theories of Embodiment from a Buddhist perspective
·         Seated and Standing yoga
·         Seated and Walking Meditation
·         A survey of relevant studies

and welcomes:
·         Clinicians who want new ways to treat patients
·         Yoga teachers, body-workers, meditators looking for new insights
·         Anyone curious about what it is like to cultivate a conscious relationship between mind and body

Facilitators: David Emerson and Sarah Emerson

Cost: $300