Navigating Non-Monogamy

Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Oakland, CA

Curious about exploring ethnical non-monogamy but unsure where to start? There are so many different kinds of relationship structures and styles, how do you know which will work for you? Exploring non-monogamy can feel overwhelming and downright terrifying, but with the proper preparation and support, it can be exciting and empowering!

In this experiential workshop, you will:
·        Learn about the many kinds of ethical non-monogamy, including polyamory, open-relationships, swinging, and polyfidelity.
·        Explore your values to determine which relationship styles will work for you and your partner(s)
·        Discover how to find and date poly-friendly people
·        Examine the most common pitfalls of non-monogamous relationships and how to avoid them
·        Gain concrete tips that will help your relationship(s) survive and thrive

You don’t have to navigate this tricky terrain alone. With these resources, suggestions, and tools you’ll receive the support you need to explore ethical non-monogamy with greater clarity and ease!

Cost: $40