Energetic Playshop with Monique Darling & Peter Petersen

Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM PDT

Love Nest
1181 Harriet Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Join Monique Darling and Peter Petersen for a fun night of playing in the energetic field.

Would you like to expand the range of your ENERGETIC sexual experience?

Turn YOUR life into an orgasmic playground that doesn’t have to look anything like “sex”…

Sexual energy as a powerful force in our lives

Using pleasure to reset the central nervous system

Claim your right to sexual pleasure and passion

Learn to collect and harness energy and how to playfully move it through your body.

Learn to get in touch with your own energetic field, manipulate it, and turn it into a powerful source of connection and bliss.

Discover how and where to touch another to tune into, access, tease and play with their erotic energy, the energy of two people, or the energy of a entire group!

Tap into the energy of all 7 major chakra’s by yourself, with a partner, or in a group

Discover the differences in “taste” between energetic orgasms from chakra to chakra

We will also do a couple of chakra clearing meditations that will help your energy flow more freely.

Let us show you our tools, tips and tricks for unlocking your stuck sexual energy
AND of course be shown and get to play with my Infamous creation... the "Heart Penetration!"

Play with gender fluidity from the place that we are all "just energy" and we have both an energetic yoni and lingam and get to play with both :)

This workshop is Rated-PG13/R, will feature frank (and humorous!) language, fully-clothed demonstrations, and participation is not required. Please bring all your questions and a notebook!

Bring a partner, find a partner there, switch partners, or experience the course on your own. Many options will be offered to support each individual experience.

After we lead you through many fun exercises then we will open up a safe container to get to practice and play together.

Cost: $30 /per person pre-sale, or $35 at the door