9th Annual Network for a New Culture Spring Camp

April 19 – April 26, 2016 (Wednesday – Wednesday)

Lupin Lodge
20600 Aldercroft Hts,
Los Gatos, California 95033

Truth, Trust, Touch and Transparency: A Community Celebration!

Imagine your "Longing" for "Belonging" fully satisfied!
Imagine your "Sense of Separation" replace by "Unitive Awareness"!
Imagine finding the missing link to the redeeming joy of your own fully lived life!

Imagine a global community of people who aspired, conspired and prespired to create a shared mental, spiritual, sensual paradise.

Join us for 7 days diving deep into mindful conscious community as we practice and play in a loving container of Trust....

What to expect:
Experiential connection exercises, Lots of dancing, SD/Zegg Forum transformational Psychodrama, Nonviolent Communication training, Tribal Technologies, singing, Tantra light, Community building wisdom classes, sensual temple, strut your stuff ~ talent show, musical performance, improv, massage, cuddling, biodanza, self-exploration in the loving container of community...

What are we doing?
Network For a New Culture (NFNC) is a group that was originally inspired by the German community ZEGG (acronym for German words meaning "Center for an Experiment in Cultural Design").

NFNC seeks to build a sustainable, violence-free culture through exploring intimacy, personal growth, transparency, deep self-aware honesty, equity, compassion, sexual freedom, and the power of sacred mindful community.

Cost: $500/pass and $25/day/accommodation