Embrace Your Voice Retreat

September 21 – 23, 2018 (Friday – Sunday)

Divine Flame Studios
Sacramento, CA

EMBRACE YOUR VOICE is an intimate, experiential retreat where you can dive deep into the beauty and wisdom of your own heart.

Embrace Your Voice is a retreat for women who want to (re)claim their power.
Women who are tired of waiting for their turn.
Tired of feeling like they’re being taken for granted
Tired of settling for just barely enough (love, attention, respect…)

Embrace Your Voice is for you if you are ready to:
·         Live YOUR OWN LIFE
·         Make YOUR OWN RULES
·         Follow YOUR OWN PATH
·         Stand in YOUR OWN AUTHORITY
·         Create YOUR OWN SOUNDTRACK
·         Be the QUEEN OF YOUR DOMAIN

Tina Greene’s mission is to help you discover your own voice and unlock the wisdom of your own heart so that you can live the life you long for, the life you came here to live. She is a life coach, inspirational speaker, licensed spiritual practitioner, certified Intentional Creativity® teacher and former nationally-recognized health care business lawyer.

Beginning at an early age, Tina lived through significant life challenges, including sibling incest, multiple rapes, chronic health challenges and a unhealthy marriage that she finally left in 1994. In 2011, she experienced a life-changing head injury and completely re-imagined how to live her life.

Instead of being a victim, Tina has consistently chosen to use life as a learning lab for her personal and spiritual growth, always guided by the compass of her own heart. These choices helped her become the joy-filled, hope-inspiring, open-hearted woman she is today.

Whatever your story or wherever you are on your path, Tina guides you to trust your own wisdom so that you can remember these essential truths: If you’re breathing, you’re worthy. If you’re here, you belong. Your presence matters.

 Cost: $597