The TARA Approach for Healing Trauma and Shock

July 27 - 28, 2019 (Saturday – Sunday)

California Institute of Integral Studies
1453 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA

Since 1994, the TARA (Tools for Awakening Resources and Awareness) Approach has offered an innovative method of restoring balance to the human nervous system following overwhelming trauma. Clinically tested and effective for all ages and all demographics, the TARA Approach is a fusion of Eastern and Western medicines that synchronizes ancient and contemporary healthcare wisdom. It incorporates applied touch with assessment and dialogue skills organized to maximize human potential and restore equanimity.

The TARA approach is used by healers and educators in all fields including parents, social workers, healthcare providers of all kinds, substance abuse counselors, crisis workers, ministers, and anyone committed to healing. Professionals often combine the TARA Approach with other modalities such as massage, cranial sacral therapy and physical therapy, psychotherapy, nursing, other energy medicine treatments, and traditional Western medicine.

In this professional training, TARA approach founder, Stephanie Mines introduces her method for the treatment of shock and trauma. Join Dr. Mines to learn how to differentiate sympathetic from parasympathetic nervous system dominances and practice skills to bring these dominances into equilibrium.

Discover how to strengthen immune function by recalibrating adrenal responses that have been habituated by past trauma and identify and awaken essential resources to deactivate traumatic repetition. Open new neurological pathways for self-regulation. Take the first steps in cultivating a self-care practice and learn how to transmit it to others.

Experience how trauma is healed in community and become a sustainable health leader. Health is the thread that weaves through every consequence of the climate change that is rapidly accelerating globally. To meet this challenge, Dr. Mines has adapted her paradigm to meet the healthcare needs of vulnerable populations and also to develop sustainable health leadership.

Join Dr. Mines for an experiential, inspirational, community-oriented and highly personalized workshop. Step with confidence into the present with your unique skill set. Dr. Mines meets her students where they are and imparts her faith and passion in human resilience through the resolution of past traumas as a path from I to We.

Stephanie Mines is a neuropsychologist whose unique understanding comes from her academic research as well as her extensive work in the field. Her stories of personal transformation have led many listeners to become deeply committed to the healing journey. Dr. Mines understands shock from every conceivable perspective. She has investigated it as a survivor, a professional, a healthcare provider, and as a trainer of staffs of institutions and agencies.

Her blend of Western and Eastern modalities offers the best of both paradigms. She is devoted to ending the lineage of shock and trauma for individuals and the world. To this end she has developed the TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma, which is taught internationally and is a clinically tested comprehensive treatment design.

Cost: $335