Connection Games: Letting Love In

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM PDT

Erwan Davon Teachings
2501 Harrison St #15
San Francisco, CA 

We all crave connection, no doubt about it. This connection starts with a connection to self, and then branches out to others. There are so many possibilities, ranging from friendly connection, heart connection, spiritual connection, emotional connection, to romantic and sexual connection.

On March 13, Alicia and Erwan Davon will lead you through a series of fun discussions and exercises that will take your experience of connection with yourself and others to the next level. This event will focus on friendly, emotional and heart connection. The event is for singles and couples alike.

You will learn:
1. How to draw someone out and have them open up to you through deep listening
2. How to express yourself so you are truly seen by others you want to be closer to
3. How to bring friendly physical contact into interactions with confidence

You’ll leave the evening not only with skills, but with a revitalized sense of what is possible for you in connecting with yourself and others!

Toward the end of the evening you will also have the opportunity to find out how to work more deeply with Alicia and Erwan.

Erwan and Alicia are renowned for teaching singles and couples for a combined 40 years how to have thriving love and sex lives without compromising the the deep spiritual and psychological issues which must be dealt with to really connect with someone romantically. Get your ticket today and experience the magic that participants have been raving about for over 25 years!

Cost: $20