Sex, Intimacy, Trauma & Skillful Loving

Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 10 AM – 6 PM

Oakland, CA

Trauma doesn’t need to hold us back from what we truly want. Healing is available. There are pathways, practices and principles that you can learn to help you and others cultivate more pleasure, intimacy and connection in your sex and love lives.

The reality that trauma has deeply impacted our experience of our sexual and intimate relationships has risen to the surface of our collective awareness through the #metoo movement.
·         At least 70% of adults have been affected by trauma in the United States, alone.
·         One in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted by the age of 18.
·         Nearly 1 in 4 women may experience sexual violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.

As we begin to move beyond the understandable phases of shame and blame, new questions arise. How can we heal? What can we do to tend to the wounds and move towards more of what we all deeply want?

How do we as lovers, healers and seekers integrate the reality of trauma in a way that beautifully transforms our sexual and intimate relationships? What tools and skills will help us invite more of what we all want: pleasure, love, intimacy, connection and trust.

Whether you are:
·         A professional working in the realm of relationships, sex and intimacy
·         A trauma survivor who wants to thrive or someone who loves one
·         A sexual being who wants to learn more about trauma
·         Or all of the above.

Response-able workshop leaders, NeoTantra teachers, sex and intimacy coaches, sexological bodyworkers, Somatica Practitioners, sex educators and more can acquire some basic trauma training to support clients and students to know how to support someone in a trauma response and when additional resources from a trauma expert are required.

Please join Lorina Manzanita MA, SEP Somatic Sex and Relationship Coach and certified Somatic Experiencing Trauma Resolution practitioner for a daylong experiential workshop.

What you will learn:
·         Practices to increase one’s capacity for greater pleasure, presence and embodied intimacy
·         An introduction to trauma and how it can show up in our intimate and sexual relationships
·         A basic understanding of what is needed to resolve and heal trauma
·         Do’s and don’ts to avoid re-traumatization and unnecessary triggering
·         A neuroscience-based understanding of traumatic memories
·         Tools to navigate trauma with more skill should it show up in the bedroom, yourself and/or with your clients or students
·         Exercises to support healthier boundaries, more empowerment and more integration
·         Tools and principles to help you attune to the needs and challenges of trauma survivors more effectively
·         Opportunities to practice these tools and embody them from the inside out

Cost: $125 - $130