2-Day Sacred Medicine Circle (Aya-Huambisa Ceremony)

March 15 -16, 2019 (Friday – Saturday)

San Francisco Bay Area, CA

We want to invite you to this Sacred Medicine Celebration Ceremony taking place on March 15th to the 16th, in Northern California - East Bay Area - The Ceremony includes 3 different medicine circles.

***Please do not make any deposits until you have spoken to us to make sure you have gotten a clear picture of what the event entails.***

We ask for an Ayni of $330usd - 3 circles (1 Sacred Mother medicine & 2 Sacred Father Medicines), We also will have Nadi-Chakra Yoga, Hindu-Shamanic Breathwork and a safe space for your process.

What we will have:
1.       -Yoga: 30 min sequence of specific Asanas to open the body's energy centers (Chakras) and for better energy flow.
2.       -Breathwork: Pranayamas, Bhastrika and Shamanic Breathing
3.       -Guided meditation
4.       -3 different Sacred Medicine Circles (Including Tobbaco Hapé)-

A few facts we'd like to share about the ceremony:

·         We will offer a basic setting and a safe space for the ceremony rituals
·         The Medicines can show us that which is within us that needs to be healed and aligned (Patterns of though and behavior that are not serving us) but it won’t do the work for you. This is not a fix-it ticket. Sacred Medicines are tools that contain a Live-essence/spirit that allow us to see and teaches us how to overcome the internal barriers in this life, Our life... This ancient allies help us to initiate the process into knowing ourselves more deeply and with more clarity.
·         This is an opportunity to answer the medicine calling: if you have been called by the medicines to South America before but cannot travel for extended periods of time due to time or money constrains.
·         The contribution (Ayni) requested is to cover the expenses of the setting, services and the Medicine. Value is attributed to the Breathwork initiations as well as the medicine facilitation
·         The Shamans and facilitators are not superhuman, they are men and women just like you however they do have many years of experience serving the medicine, working directly with other Shamans and continuously developing their relationships with the Medicines
·         We will provide guidance and hold space for you
·         We do not worship any Shamans or deities; we believe we are the Shamans in our lives. Some have started this path earlier than others however we are all equal in potential

Follow your feelings, emotions and knowledge, if this Event speaks to you, You are more than welcome to join us!

Cost: $330