Holotropic Breathwork and Kundalini Yoga for Healing Trauma

March 16 – 17, 2019 (Saturday – Sunday)

Studio Anthurium
999E Edgewater Blvd., Unit E,
Foster City, California

March 16, 6:00pm-9:00pm
March 17, 9:00am-7:00 pm

The primary source of our psychological and physical problems, as well as the ability to access ecstatic states, lies in one's own birth.

Healing the deep subconscious traumas encountered at our birth gives us a new blueprint for a re-birth while still living. When we stop living from our distorted birth imprints and start living from our new blueprint, our life changes.

The workshop draws upon the ancient principles of healing and modern psychotherapy to help you reclaim your health and inner vibrancy.

Utilizing Kundalini Yoga practices, we can gain the opportunity to build endurance and self-mastery. Using physical postures, meditation and breath work those accept this workshop are supported to balance the nervous and endocrine systems – releasing stored trauma in muscle tissue and in the brain, allowing development and nurturing of positive habits.

Through thoughtfully accelerated breathing, evocative music focused energy-release bodywork, Mandala drawing and group sharing, the participant enters into a non-ordinary state of consciousness which activates a natural healing process within their psyche. Each session can have from a relatively small effect to a significant effect or release, like peeling off a layer of an onion. Whatever layer from your subconscious that most need to come up, will, in fact, come up. It is a natural, unconscious cleansing process.

This will be the days of deep exploration of one’s psyche within a container of fellow like-minded breathers and travelers into non-ordinary states.

Our two days’ workshop is a wonderful way to be introduced to this work as well as deepen your own ongoing practice.

Holotropic Breathwork, created by Stanislav and Christina Grof, has been proven to help people overcome obstacles in their life, achieve goals and develop more fully personally. Negative behaviors, phobias, habits, even addictions and other barriers that controlled how a person lived have been eliminated.

Holotropic Breathwork is an elegantly simple, minimalist practice using elements that support healing through non-ordinary states of consciousness with protection, permission, and connection.

If you are interested in inner exploration and personal transformation, seek self-discovery and spiritual awareness, or are looking to modify behaviors, overcome phobias, anxiety and stress, or suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, Holotropic Breathwork can help you.

2 Days workshop “Birth & Rebirth: Healing a Birth Trauma through Kundalini yoga and Holotropic Breathwork” is of value to anyone interested in developing more fully as a person, self-exploration, inner transformation, healing and spiritual awareness. It is a wonderful adjunct to psychotherapy and other forms of holistic therapies and somatic practices. Workshops heal birth traumas in adults which helps to avoid birth trauma during the limbic imprinting process and help mothers with Distinguishing Postpartum Disorders ("baby blues" or Postpartum Depression).

Additional Benefits:
·         Helping with creative or writers' block;
·         Seeking inner guidance, vision and clarity;
·         Working with the family of origin issues;
·         Supporting recovery from addiction;
·         Support during a time of grieving;
·         Support during a time of transition;
·         Working with trauma and abuse issues;
·         Release of stress, anxiety and depression;
·         Explore the emotional connection to physical ailments;
·         Explore spiritual connection and insights; and
·         Explore mystical or transpersonal experiences

Facilitator: Svetlana Doroganich, certified Health Coach certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher and certified Holotropic Breathwork facilitator

Cost: $150