Le Jazz Hot - Swing Dance Party

Friday, March 8, 2019, 8:00 PM – 12:00 AM

Italian-American Social Club
25 Russia Avenue
San Francisco, CA

8 pm - 9 pm: Intermediate Balboa Workshop with Tor & Carissa (additional $10 fee)

9 pm - 12 am Live Music with Le Jazz Hot of San Francisco

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. Cross street: Mission. Buses 14, 49, 29. Nearest BART is Balboa Station:)

1st parking lot is across the street from the venue
2nd parking lot: It's okay to park in the parking lot of the Valente Marini Perata Funeral Home at 4840 Mission Street adjacent to Safeway.

Cost: $14 (party only); $24 (party and workshop)