Tantric Lovemaking Workshop

Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST

Oakland, CA

Do you have a sense that there is a deeper dimension to lovemaking, and you're wondering how to get there?
Are you excited to experience mind-blowing ecstasy, and expanded full-body pleasure?
Have you been curious about Tantra and connecting to a sense of the sacred in your sensuality?

Tantra is a whole new way of approaching lovemaking that allows you and a partner to slow down, synch up your energy, and open to new realms of pleasure together. It's all about creating alignment between the powerful sensual energies of the body, our radiant hearts, and our shimmering awareness. When we're fully in connection with ourselves, our partners, and the moment, that's when the magic happens!

Are you ready to awaken the spiritual dimension of your sensuality?

There are so many reasons we are disconnected from our own pleasure: negative conditioning from the past, habits & routines, pressure to perform, past shame & trauma, striving for orgasm, and being stuck in our heads. All of these can get in the way of fulfilling connection!

In Tantra, you're encouraged to let go of all those blocks to intimacy, and instead open up to the flow of life energy moving through you, surrendering to its transformative power. Since I started studying Tantra, I have been able to experience much deeper physical pleasure, more freedom in my body and my sensual expression, and a much greater ease in connecting on a heart level with those around me. I have healed past trauma and shame, and found a joyful playfulness in my body that I hadn't known before.

There is so much MORE to discover, I can't wait to share with you!

In this workshop, you will learn:
* How to bring a sense of the sacred into your connection
* The power of the Heart in creating profoundly intimate experiences
* Practices for calling in the divine to flow through you and your partner
* How to move beyond genital-centered orgasms into full-body bliss
* How to create your own Tantric Lovemaking Ritual you can do at home
* How physical intimacy can be a deeply healing and transformative experience.

And you will have the invitation to experience:
* Letting go of expectations and limiting beliefs around desires
* Connection games and exercises that bring you into the present moment with a partner
* What it's like to open up to more intimacy and vulnerability
* The kind of touch that brings both you and your partner into deeper alignment
* Channeling your body's energy and sharing it with a partner

This workshop is appropriate for all levels of experience. While we will be talking about lovemaking and exploring sensual energy, there will be no explicit contact and clothing will stay on. Open to singles, couples, triads etc. and people of all genders.

Facilitated by Leslie Grace

Cost: $30/single; $55/couple