Rise Above 2018 Workshop

January 26 – 27, 2019 (Saturday – Sunday)

First Baptist Church
305 N. California Ave.
Palo Alto, CA

Are you ready to leave 2018 behind?
You know 2019 represents the power of 3 (2+0+1+9 = 12). Would you like to capture that power and start executing on your vision of how life should be?

2018 was a year of duality. We had some choices to make, but we didn’t know what direction was the right decision. So we played with some ideas. We explored some directions.

Now, we’re in 2019. The time has come to take more powerful steps to build. Again, because it’s still early in the process, these steps will be hesitant. Who could come out and claim that their “king of their domain”? It’ll take time. But the question is, are you interested in expressing your Self in unique ways that you haven’t expressed before?

If you are .. then join our Rise 2 Realize team for a two – day workshop where you will harness the P.O.W.E.R method and schlep away unwanted energy to pave the way for a magnificent 2019!

Just a quick preview of what we’ll be doing at the workshop – this little exercise below, and many more on the weekend will provide you an energetic adventure and transformation into another dimension of life!

Please be seated for this exercise. Feet flat on the floor. Put your palms facing down on your knees. Close your eyes.

Now, hold your desire to attend this workshop on your right hand – tune in to your body and check if you feel any desire within your body to change the way your life currently flows – and put all of that energy under your right palm.

Then, tune in to your body again, and now notice the fear of attending this workshop – maybe, you don’t like the group work, maybe it’s too expensive, maybe too much time commitment, maybe you’d like to stay in your comfort zone – connect with this fear energy and put it on your left palm.

Finally, focus on both palms at the same time. Can you keep a sharp focus on both palms and the energies you’re holding under them for 3 minutes? No thinking. Just focus on both palms at the same time.

Now, open your eyes.

What’s coming up? Did you feel anything? Where are your thoughts?

Will you share your experience with us?

Learn the P.O.W.E.R. technique to rise above negative relationships and bad situations and realize ultimate happiness, well-being and abundance.

Cost: $330