Saturday, April 28, 2018 at 10 AM - 5 PM
2200 Marinship Way,
Sausalito, California 94965
Join Maria Owl and Duane Vos for another life-changing
day of mind-body-spirit upgrades.
This event was guided into being by the helpers: The
Pleiadian and Arcturian Councils of Healers
We welcome musician Suzanne Rene Smith, who will be
collaborating on a Sound Bath in the afternoon with the Hathors.
At Lightworker Boot Camp You Will:
- Clear and re-calibrate your emotional and energetic
- Clear physical and energetic probes, implants and
toxins from your body
- Clear any remaining karmic agreements that don't serve
you, so you can launch forward in your Soul work
- Unlock dormant Eternal Wisdom/Creator Codes in your
- Receive Guidance and Clarity from the Higher
Dimensional Helpers through transmissions from Maria, Duane and your own Higher
- Help the planet take a quantum leap in consciousness
by taking a quantum leap in your own consciousness
Includes snacks, beverages, recordings of all major
meditations, and a special gift at close of day.
Cost: $333