Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 6 PM - 9 PM
6315 Doyle St,
Emeryville, California
Find your flow through the flow arts - play and dance
with props!
Taught by flow artist Remy June, this free workshop presented
as part of Bay Area Dance Week takes you through a series of exercises that
help you access the flowstate, and harness it into your dance and performance.
It’s huge fun, and will have you grinning ear to ear :)
The workshop goes from 6-7pm, and will be followed by a
free open community jam from 7-9pm, where you can play with a wide range of
sample props, including poi, staffs, levitation dance wand, torofluxes,
pixelwhips and more.
>>> What are the flow arts?
The flow arts encompasses the emerging movement-based
artforms that integrate dance and creative exploration of movement with
skill-based prop manipulation. The Flow Arts draw from a multitude of ancient
and modern movement disciplines from Maori poi spinning to modern firedancing,
from martial arts and taichi to circus arts and hula hooping.
The Flow Arts are a new way to dance, explore and
interact with the physical world, a movement meditation practice, a fun and
creative outlet, and a serious technical pursuit of mastery. For many of its
practitioners, it is a way to achieve the mind-state known as “flow”, a state
of optimal experience, also known as "the zone" or getting in a
Cost: Free