Kambo Frog Medicine Ceremonies

October 11 – 13, 2019 (Friday – Sunday)

Novato, CA

We are offering 6 different Kambo frog medicine ceremonies that will be available October 11th,12th and 13th.

Friday, October 11th - 10-1 pm & 6-9 pm
Saturday, October 12th- 10-1 pm & 5-8 pm
Sunday, October 13th - 10-1 pm & 5-8 pm

Join for 1, 2 or 3 ceremonies (your choice).
We recommended 2 or 3 sittings for maximum detox and shift.

Ceremonies are offered on a sliding scale of $140-$200. You can pay based on your ability to contribute and the value that you felt you received. Participants must reserve their space ahead of time by placing a $100 deposit to hold your spot.  The remaining balance can be paid at the ceremony. Limited space is available. Please place your deposit to RSVP your spot asap!

To book your spot visit https://medicinefrogkambo.com/book and select "Novato/Marin County Group Ceremony". You can then select which ceremonies you would like to participate in.

What is Kambo?

Kambo is a traditional Amazonian medicine where the skin secretion of the giant green monkey frog is applied to small superficial burns made on the skin. The ethically harvested secretion contains hundreds of bio-active peptides with potent scientifically studied medicinal properties such as antibiotic, anti-inflammatory immune modulating and anti-cancerous effects. The treatment provides relief for a number of different conditions such as depression, pain, addiction, infections, chronic fatigue, gut dysbiosis, lyme disease, auto-immune conditions, PTSD and more. It also provides incredible insight, clarity and spiritual cleansing when we are feeling spiritually blocked or misaligned.

How Can Kambo Help me?

Kambo serves as a powerful detoxification tool on the physical, spiritual and emotional levels. It helps to eliminate heavy metals, pathogenic and overgrown organisms such a candida as well as purge emotional trauma and negative energies. It helps bring to the surface and release whatever old patterning and emotions have been festering inside of us for years. It shakes us up so that we get perspective and free ourselves from feeling stuck, uninspired and confused. It has a strong ability to provide clarity and assist in life transitions and shifting patterns that are no longer serving you.

Your Safety is our Priority

Your physical, emotional and spiritual safety is our #1 priority. Proper screening is mandatory for each participant and important safety protocols around water consumption and escorting to the bathroom will be in place. You will be supervised at all times. A test point will be administered to every person doing Kambo for their first time.  As a practitioner who has served over 700 times, Caitlin has a 100% safety record.

Before your Kambo session:
• Be sure you have read the preparation guide and filled out the waiver/medical questionnaire.
• Have an empty stomach and be free from stimulants for 8 hours prior to Kambo.
• Do not drink excessive amounts of water. Just hydrate normally. Don't deprive yourself of water either.  You will be notified when to drink the water before your application.
• Be completely honest with your Practitioner. By making a full disclosure of any medications or serious medical conditions that you may have you protect both yourself and the practitioner. Please take the time to share and to let the practitioner know of your special needs prior to the ceremony. If you have a past or current medical condition, or are taking any drugs, please contact Caitlin.

Cost: $140 - $200 / ceremony (sliding scale)