Holotropic Breathwork Workshop

July 13 - 14, 2019 (Saturday – Sunday)

Russian house #1
9960 HWY 1
Jenner, CA

Holotropic Breathwork is a modality developed by Dr. Stan Grof to allow participants to access the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness through breath and music. This brings you a personalized experience that can result in such things as more joy and freedom in personal relationships, resolution of childhood trauma, a transpersonal satori type of breathwork/breathing experience of union with the universe, a deeper understanding of the purpose and meaning of your life, a sense of being more grounded and centered in your life, and a more profound sense of connection to the world around you.

Workshop includes theoretical introduction, session as a breather, session as a sitter and sharing.

You can also come only for one day (Saturday)

Sliding Fee Discount – please ask,

Individual discounts and the alternative payment system (Da or Lu) are possible (arrange with facilitator personally)

Staying overnight possible, please call 707 865 9456

Cost: $40 - $70