February 10 – 11, 2018 (Saturday – Sunday)
Hotel Whitcomb
1231 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
The Internal Family Systems (IFS) model is a highly
efficient and effective way to access a state of inner clarity and compassion,
or the Self, from which self-healing occurs. From the Self, participants are
able to calm and transform their troubling inner voices, the critical and
anxious chatter, compulsive distractions, as well as feelings of vulnerability,
inadequacy, and being overwhelmed. These parts of the psyche are surprisingly
responsive and resilient when addressed with respect and patience. They readily
forsake their inner battles, and take on valuable inner roles once they are
accepted and witnessed.
The IFS model offers an evidence-based, empowering and
non-pathologizing paradigm for understanding and transforming people's inner
worlds. It also brings to therapists a sense of awe and adventure as they
accompany clients on their inner journeys. IFS offers therapists and healers a
way to make their practice more enjoyable, effective, and less of a struggle.
For clients, the healing and reorienting of their
"inner families" in an environment of genuine acceptance, translates
into concrete behavioral change, plus improved ability to relate well to
people. IFS is a gentle, yet powerful, healing delivery system that releases
the therapist from the need to be clever because it trusts and empowers the
clients' Self.
This workshop introduces the basic principles and
techniques of IFS and illustrates them with experiential exercises and video illustrations.
Participants walk away with new perspectives and methods for themselves and
even their most difficult clients.
Facilitator: Richard Schwartz
Cost: $330