Body Wisdom for Health Solutions

Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Breathe Holistic Health
900 N San Antonio Road, Suite 101
Los Altos, CA

Do you believe in the Wisdom of the Body? Do you believe that the body knows more about what is best for your health issues than you can figure out?

There is a way that you can ask yes or no questions to your body to which the body can respond with a movement of yes or no. The intention is to help your body with dealing with health issues with natural approaches and remedies. Instead of using trial and error, the body’s answers help you to get better in a fast-effective way.

This is a 2-hour class with the following curriculum:

Part 1:
Find out:
• What is your body’s yes and no.
• What questions to ask and what questions not to ask
• When you are stuck with a chronic issue, what is in the way to get better
• How well is your body currently set up to be at your best or to get well
• Regarding lifestyle, what is most detrimental and what most helpful to your individual body
• How to select natural remedies for prevention and healing

Part 2:
Individual health questions will be answered as time allows with several hot-seat coaching, demonstrating the sequence of questions to ask to get clarity about the best course of action for recovery and well-being.

Cost: $20