Relationship Redesign Workshop in San Francisco

Friday, September 23, 2016 at 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

1446 Market Street,
San Francisco, CA

Do you want something more that you have from your current or missing relationship? Maybe you are in a relationship, but you’ve always had a feeling that something is missing. Or you feel as if you’ve sacrificed your own personal growth to fit into a life of appropriateness that feels static and boring. Maybe you don’t have a relationship at all. You want one, but you don’t know how to get it or who to ask. You’re not alone. Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, many (let’s say most) people feel the same, so you are not along on this line of inquiry and on the road to relationship development.

At OneTaste Bay Area we approach relationship as a practice. That’s what makes what we do so special. Instead of prescribing tips and tricks on how to squeeze every last ounce of instant gratification out of our partner or friends, we encourage people to aim for true enjoyment. Mastery in relationship. The most exalted form of research in to who we really are. Where desire is the compass that points us towards who we know we can be, but have always been afraid to show.

Join Natalie and Paul, directors of OneTaste Bay Area and two other couples. The panel of 6 will speak to a wide variety of relationship decisions: being in an open relationship or a monogamous relationship, working in the same field or in in drastically different fields, having kids or no kids...

Cost: Free