Divine Yoga Puja with Monique Darling, Matt Sturm, and Peter Petersen

Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM

4210 Holden Street,
Emeryville, CA

Ready to try something completely new? Come have fun with three extremely playful, sensual educators whose skill sets include Yoga Instructor/Puja Facilitator/Authenticity and Vulnerability coach and movement and wellness coach, whose great joy is taking people on a journey with Tantra, movement & Yoga.

Theme: Offering Devotion

* Energy attunement
* Aligning with the Energy of Divine Love
* Sweet, safe and consensual touch
* Honoring the Divine Masculine & Feminine in each of us
* Partner Yoga (All levels, no experience necessary!)
* Working with the 5 senses, 7 chakras and the 5 elements.
* Sensual feeding, reverent eye gazing, exotic anointing with a delicious synergy of sacred attars of the purest quality

These are the ingredients for a mind, body and heart blowing experience leaving you floating on your own bliss bubble of connection, expansion, pleasure, and joy.

The Energetics of Presence: Enrich your life with the energy of presence

Interested in having more exciting puja and life experiences?

Simply bringing your attention to the present moment can be one of the most transformative things we can do to create change in our world. Explore and play in this interactive workshop where you will learn valuable tools to use, not only in pujas, but in your life. Learn to be more sensitive energetically, develop etiquette for pujas, touch with absolute presence, and take your vibration to a whole new level.

Cost: $37/person; $63/couple

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