Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 12 PM - 3 PM
Pier 39,
San Francisco, CA
Thinking about something special at the end of the 2017? Join the first Sage the day event in San Francisco!
Hear the call of Mother Earth! She as well as us are
going through a shift and many things are changing. While this is going on we
can help alleviate and rid ourselves by smudging.
The art of smudging is an ancient practice done by our
ancestors to purify, cleanse, protect and transmute all the gunky gnarly toxic
invisible but tangible energy that permeates our atmosphere. So come on down
and join us for a fun filled day of smudging, drumming and fun! Bring your
copal, sage, palo santo, all the medicine you want and join us so we can smudge
the bay area!!
Cost: Free