May 19-21, 2017 (Friday – Sunday)
SF Bay Area
An epic journey that will place you on a runway of
profound spiritual awakening, healing and transformation
It it's course you
*Awaken and magnify the flow of your sacred sexual
energy, the mystical force of divinity
*Open up to greater aliveness, energy & vitality
*Activate your innate power centers (Womb / Hara) to
empower your feminine/masculine essence
*Rediscover your playfulness and sensual innocence
*Expand your spiritual awareness, open your heart to
divine love
* Access deeper levels of emotional and spiritual
intimacy with another
*Explore the mystical dance of shakti-shiva & the
interplay of masculine-feminine within and in a relationship
*Begin to let go of your most stubborn self-limiting
To claim your sensual beauty, your true power, freedom
& the gifts of your blissful, radiant beingness
*Activate your creative energies to express your gifts,
your magnificence in the world
*Birth into being what you've always mean to be: the
supreme Shiva-man, the Goddess.
The enlightened
The course weaves around learning Sacred Flow, a
beautiful, dance-like energetic movement that can be shared with another. Facilitating
a higher level of sexual awakening (sexual energy truly functioning as a
spiritual force), inner union, divine embodiment, and healing at all levels.
You will open to a greater range of feeling and
New ways of understanding of self and the universe
Profound spiritual dimension in lovemaking
Deepening of intimacy in relationships
Clarity of personal boundaries
Spontaneous healing and release of deep seated patterning
Your continuing practice will keep an ongoing flow of
NEWNESS and divine openings
Evolving and unfolding your human-divine potential
Cost: $595 (Couples
and pairs $50 discount, includes workshop, meals and accommodation0.