Women's Self Discovery Weekend

March 9 - 12, 2017 (Thursday – Sunday)

Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds
800 Asilomar Blvd,
Pacific Grove, California 93950

Relax, unwind and learn how you can access your innate wisdom, your personal power to manifest your best reality, and your unlimited potential in this phenomenal 3-day workshop. The Women's Self-Discovery Retreat at Asilomar, March 9 - 12 is your opportunity to work closely with 4 renowned healers, psychics and transformative thought leaders in a small group setting for maximum results. Meditation, Breath work, Art, ThetaHealing, HeartMath, and Naturopathic medicine will all be applied and taught to help you cultivate more peace, happiness, improved relationships and health in your life. Asilomar has been called the Refuge by the Sea and provides a stunningly beautiful backdrop to your personal transformation. Meditation, yoga, massage, hiking, biking and walks along the beautiful shore are all available to help you unwind, recharge and relax while you learn powerful tools to transform your life. We can't wait to share this amazing experience with you!

Come relax by the sea, meditate, get a massage, spend time with girlfriends and learn easy and fun techniques to promote inner peace in our chaotic world.

Cost: $795 / complete workshop