Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM PDT
Leela Yoga Studio
1708 Lincoln Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
Forget your usual health-related New Year's Resolution:
Lose weight? Join a gym? That's so last year.
It's 2017 ladies, you need to be strong and centered.
Start off with a meditation practice session to get you
centered. Don't worry, Yogis and Newbies will both be comfortable.
Then, it's time for some real talk about your pelvic
floor. We'll take a look at pelvic anatomy and function and share tips on
strengthening this critical part of our bodies. Every woman can benefit from a
stronger pelvic floor, but if you experience leaking urine when you sneeze,
incontinence, prolapse, painful periods or intercourse, or pelvic trauma, don't
miss this one. TMI? Nah, just the info you need to get a stronger pelvic floor
in a supportive (and fun!) environment.
Mojo Muses knows that women are stronger when we support
each other, so we end the day with a mixer you won't forget. Oh yeah, did we
mention the tea and chocolates? And the pop-up shop for Revel athletic wear?
Cost: $50