“Circling” and Authentic Relating in Palo Alto

Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 2 PM - 5:30 PM

Sofia University,
1069 East Meadow Circle,
Palo Alto, CA 94303

Do you crave:
-More fulfilling relationships?
-Conscious & loving community?
-To feel more alive?

Come play, experience and integrate practical skills to:
-Create deep, intimate connections
-Transform ordinary surface conversations into juicy, heart opening, enlightening explorations for personal insights and healing
-Become more present and comfortable in your own skin
-Uncover our “relational blind spots” where we push away the depth of connection and intimacy that’s possible
-Practice listening to someone’s soul essence like a people whisperer
-“Get someone’s world” like a Jedi master
-Tap into the power of your vulnerability that has you more lovable
-Be understood, appreciated and celebrated for the essence of who you are
-Create more love, connection and community in your life and the world.

Cost: $20
