Kind Awareness: Listening with the Body

Saturdays, February 27, 2016 @ 10am to 4pm

The San Francisco Buddhist Center
37 Bartlett Street
San Francisco, CA  94110

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How much do we really pay attention to what is happening, rather than our thoughts about what is happening? Thoughts and stories are useful for all kinds of things, but if we mistake them for reality, we will feel disconnected from our experience, from the world around us, and from other people.

Listening to, and with, the body we can reconnect with our actual experience and free ourselves from much of the craving, aversion and delusion that prevents us from being satisfied with our lives. On this day retreat, we explore ways to stay in contact with the body's wisdom and expand our capacity to turn towards what arises with kindness.

These monthly day retreats offer an opportunity to experience a retreat without leaving the city. Topics vary but usually include meditation and discussion around a particular topic. April 30 workshop will be led by a visiting teacher, Nagapriya, who has is specialized on the karma related topics.

Cost: $75 ($35 low income), or whatever you can afford.