Meeting Stillness: A 5Rhythms Moving Meditation

Friday, December 13 - 15, 2019 (Friday - Sunday)

Western Sky Studio
2525 Eighth Street #13A,
Berkeley, California

Are you spinning in a world full of information, distractions, constant stimuli and never ending to-do lists?

This weekend workshop is an invitation to meet in Stillness. Stillness is the final rhythm in the 5Rythms Wave. It is the rhythm that converges in a place of pure presence within us that enables us to feel more resourced and ready to thoughtfully respond to the ever changing, PRESENT MOMENT.

As we dance through each Wave (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness), we will attune ourselves to the breath, the gateway to Stillness, to encourage moment to moment awareness that will lead us home to our integrated selves.

"All these energies [the 5Rhythms] come together in you. In your deepest center, you are the stillpoint".
Gabrielle Roth, Maps to Ecstasy

Sayrah Garrison (USA) and Ajay Rajani (UK/India) graduated together in the first teacher training offered by Jonathan Horan, the son of Gabrielle Roth in 2014. They are both parents to young children and both share a keen interest in mindfulness meditation. They are committed to sharing this physical moving practice that connects us more deeply to the present moment.

We very much look forward to meeting you in Stillness on the dance floor!

Cost: $195 - $225