Shoulder and Neck Release Workshop

Saturday, January 14, 2017 at 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM PST

Willow Glen Yoga
1188 Lincoln Avenue
San Jose, CA 95125

* Throughout our lives we experience an accumulation of stress and pressure. Long hours at the job, feelings of overwhelm, family issues (just to name a few).
* These experiences stay locked away in our bodies at a cellular level, affecting the way we move, feel, and behave.
* The good news is that through the Feldenkrais method, we can now unravel and release all these unwanted habits and patterns of tension.
* Prepare to lay down on the floor as Shara Ogin, Occupational Therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner, guides you through gentle movement sequences to free up the area of the neck and shoulders and their integral connection to the rest of your body.
* The day will be relaxing, quiet and restorative, as we take a leisurely immersion into self-learning without the constraints of time and commitments.

* Anyone with a painful condition, such as back pain, neck and shoulder tension or headaches, jaw tightness.
* Sports people who want to perform better.
* Occupational & Physical therapists, yogis, or people in the health and wellness fields, who want more tools in their tool box and a novel perspective on – Feldenkrais is astonishingly innovative and a leader in brain plasticity approaches.
* Anyone interested in being more embodied, developing greater body awareness, mindfulness, focus, concentration and relaxation.


Cost: $45

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