Bliss Gathering in Los Altos

Saturday, August 6, 2016 from 2:30 PM to 9:30 PM (PDT)

Bay Area Ananda Marga Meditation Centre
27160 Moody Road,
Los Altos, CA 94022

Music, Meditation, Yoga, Yummy Food and Spiritual Community

2:30 Arrive and connect
3:00 Workshop: Meditation, Creativity and the Mind with Dada Nabhaniilananda
5:00 Gentle Yoga class
6:00 Kirtan Chanting and Meditation
7:00 Vegetarian Feast
8:00 Concert and Spiritual Open Mic. Featuring Kevin Holsinger our local harp maestro.
9:00 Networking and winding down.
9:30 Wander off into the night to the tune of owls hooting (there are two of them outside our house.)

Cost: $27 - $48