Mindful Sexuality: A Taste of Psychospiritual Transformation

Sunday, March 6, 2016 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (PST)

830 Bancroft Way, Suite 110
Berkeley, CA 94710

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Have you had the following thoughts last time you were having sex:
* Thinking about your to-do list?
* Wondering if you’d finally get pleasured?
* Worrying about what your body looks like?
* Asking yourself, “when will it be over”?

If any of these thoughts passed in front of your open or closed eyes, you should not feel guilty and upset. You need to know, that there are MANY women, who can admit on sharing similar thoughts and experiences. Many women long for deeper connection and greater sexual pleasure, but routine thinking and self-consciousness get in their way. These habits of the mind inhibit your ability to drop in, open up, connect, and experience both intimacy and enjoyment.

In the Mindful Sexuality workshops, we dissolve these inhibitions by gently paying attention to the entirety of our sexual experience. We move from the noise and chatter of the mind, to a quiet noticing of each thought, to becoming deliciously attuned to the intricacies of our sexual bodies. By allowing your experience to be exactly as it is—and by releasing yourself from judgment—you can choose to make sex more pleasurable, powerful, and deeply loving.

During this juicy and informative workshop, you will be guided through exercises from one of my main bodies of work—Mindful Sexuality. You will find that bringing a lovingly-focused awareness to your sexuality allows you to:
* Experience peace and deeply felt pleasure in your body;
* Discover the heart of your sexual truths by gently peeling away shame-filled stories;
* Give voice to your most charged passions and fantasies, for both healing AND pleasure;
* Overcome specific—even longstanding—sexual difficulties;
* Link long-term love to truly gratifying sex;
* Bring your full being to sex—every time!

Cost: $20

More March 2016 events: