Thursday, December 17, 2015 from 6:00 PM to 9:20 PM (PST)
K&L Gates LLP
4 Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94111
Please arrive early to allow time to check in and get
settled. Count in unforeseen traffic and delays on your way in.
The main subjects for the first event are:
- What is my current emotional state in our divorced
- What are the effects on me and my child(ren) now and in
the future
- Where do I want to go next and how do I get there
9PM Adjourn
9-9:20PM Holiday Hug Mistletoe Making.
A hug has the power to make us feeling good, relieving
depression and anxiety. Four hugs a day are necessary for survival, eight to
twelve to stay and grow as people. Infants thrive when they are held, and
toddlers often require twenty-some-odd hugs before they can peacefully sleep.
Hugging is simple gesture that bonds us, conveys security and communicates
love. So, if you have time after the session to make your own Holiday Hug
Mistletoe to take home, we welcome you to stay a bit after 9pm.
Cost: $5 - $15 (sliding scale)
December 2015 events:
January 2016 events: