Sunday, December 20, 2015 @ 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Los Gatos Acupuncture and Qigong Center
761 University Ave., Ste A,
Los Gatos, CA
Dance of the Soul gathering will be having a special workshop,
celebrating Yalda, Winter Solstice, with live sacred music and poetry, sacred
and folkloric dance performances, whirling participation and open floor
folkloric dancing and sacred rituals. Dance performances by Farima, Farima
Dance Company, Kevin Greek, Katy Alaniz Rous, Patrice (Raks al Khahil), and
other special guest artists and musicians.
Bring a potluck dish or beverage to share for our
gathering. We meet in a healing arts studio. Families welcome.
Join us on a path for healing and self-growth through the
power of whirling, dance, poetry, Zikr (prayer), music, and stillness. In that
journey, the promptings of the Inner Divine are found and loving kindness and
compassion flow naturally into our dance and our daily lifestyle.
Guests or dancers are welcome to share their poetry,
dance, and music.
Performances and Sema begin promptly at 6:30.
Performances and Sema begin promptly at 6:30.
Cost: $15 -$20 (sliding scale)
December 2015 events:
January 2016 events: