Primal Improv - Rowdy & Tender Partner Dancing

Saturday, March 21, 2015, 12:00 am - 5:30 pm

Wildcat Studio,
2547 8th St.
Berkeley CA 94710

This workshop explores human resonance through improvised partner dance.

Primal Improv is a new dance modality that combines the exuberant intensity of wrestling, the joyous attunement of Contact Improv, and the tender communion of Tantra.  Primal Improv is spontaneously bursting out onto the floors Ecstatic Dance venues everywhere. Come see for yourself how much fun cooperative rough-housing can be!

Practice playful co-creation of connection, with each person listening and responding to the impulses of the moment rather than practicing the “dance steps” of more traditional forms of Lead/Follow.

This workshop is equally appropriate for experienced partner dancers as well as beginners who want to understand better on how to move with another person.

No partner necessary to participate in the workshop. We will be switching partners frequently so that you can experience lots of different bodies and energies.

This workshop explores the phenomenon of resonance with others.  Human beings are “hyper-social” animals, and we have deep brain circuitry that enables us to feel directly into another person, and to have them receive our deep presence. We create a safe container in which every part of our mammal nature becomes an opportunity for interpersonal resonance…the wild, fierce parts and the fragile, tender parts. Everything about you, your glory and your shame, can be danced, accepted, expressed and loved in our shared vulnerable yearning for intimate human connection. Come play well with others!

In this workshop, we will practice how to:

* Stand up for yourself while staying connected with another
* Create trust that your partner is there for you
* Letting your impulses guide your next step, together
* Cooperate with intensity


What should I wear?
Anything that you would wear for a movement event such as Ecstatic Dance, 5 Rhythms, or a yoga class or the gym would be fine. Nothing pokey like sharp belt buckles or dangly like earrings or necklaces. If you have kneepads, bring them because you will have more options going to the ground when wearing them.

What should I bring with me?
There is no convenient water fountain, so bring at least one water bottle, two would actually be easier. Also, because we expend a lot of energy, you will want to bring some finger food snacks such as fruit, nuts, juice, energy bars, or other light, sustaining foods.

Cost: $60.00 online ($120 per couple) or $80 per person at the door ($160 per couple).