March 28 – 29, 2015 (Saturday – Sunday)
Krav Maga San Francisco
1455 Bush St,
San Francisco, California
The Basic self-defense course addresses the dynamics of
how women are assaulted and how to deal with single unarmed assailants. Model
Mugging provides a comprehensive rape prevention program that also addresses
issues related to intimate partner abuse and dating violence.
Day One covers the five principles of women’s
self-defense to include awareness strategies taking into account the behavioral
patterns of criminals, dynamics of sex crimes, situational recognition,
personal behavioral assessment, methods to identify vulnerability,
countermeasures available, and more. The achieved goal is student psychological
preparation to reduce inhibitions that improve the fighting spirit. The
foundation of physical skills is established in preparation for locking the
skills into muscle memory.
Day Two covers defense against a single unarmed assailant
from positions derived from research. We apply the knowledge of predator
typologies into fighting strategies and tactics to include vocalization,
assertiveness, boundary setting, verbal negotiation, identification of predator
weaknesses and how to use weaknesses and strengths for option selection and
application, self-evaluation, realistic physical skill development during
realistic full-force rape defense scenarios. Only when touching all the senses
will education and training result in lasting attitude changes. Empowerment is
achieved in a variety of aspects by the end of the day. The progressive
teaching strategies naturally develop effective free flow fighting skills and
foster the fighting spirit for rape defense and crime prevention.
Cost: $450.00
The full listing for March events: http://mindfulwatch.blogspot.com/p/march-2015-holistic-festivals-and.html