Dialogues Between Life and Art

September 15 - 16, 2018 (Saturday – Sunday)

Mountain Home Studio
15 Ravine Way
Kentfield, CA

If your body could speak, what would it say?

The Tamalpa Experience introduces an approach that enlivens dialogue between body and imagination, and life experiences and art making. Using movement, drawing, poetic writing, and improvisational performance, participants will tap into art’s symbolic language to explore current life themes and generate new resources.

This intensive workshop is offered three times a year and is designed to give participants an experiential understanding of Tamalpa’s work in movement-based healing arts. Recommended as an introduction to our training programs.

This workshop is designed for everyone. No previous experience in dance/art needed.

Rosario Sammartino, MA, PhD (cand.), RSMT is a teacher, artist and researcher in the intersecting fields of expressive arts, somatics and psychology. Along with Daria Halprin, Rosario is the co-director of the Tamalpa Institute and a part of it’s core faculty, where she trains an international student body. Rosario lectures and teaches nationally and internationally. She is a Professor at Meridian University, adjunct faculty at CIIS, and the founder of Anthropos Institute, an Art and Self Development Center located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she is originally from. She has taken her work to psychiatric hospitals, shelters, and educational centers, bringing innovative models for health and creativity to diverse populations including incarcerated women, the homeless, and at-risk youth

Cost: $170