Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 8 PM – 12:00 PM
Sausalito Seahorse
305 Harbor Dr,
Sausalito, California
Top notch Italian groove and funk-based music. If Stevie
Wonder or Jamiroquai were Italian, it would sound like this!!
You probably know what Funk is, you may know what Italian
music sounds like, but do you have any idea of what Italian Funk Music is?
Fresh and definitely unique, Sonamo’ is one the hottest
bands in the SF Bay Area, bringing the energy, the happiness and the quality of
their music on stage.
We dare you to change your perception of Italian music by
blending the music background of each band member (funk, jazz, rock with a
Latin twist) while keeping the Italian influence at the backbone.
As a matter of fact, Sonamo’ performs tunes that have
roots in the deepest Italian tradition with African, Hispanic and Middle
Eastern influences, since the Italian territory has been colonized by many
different cultures throughout the history.
Bring your smile and your positive energy since our
beautiful and talented Melody Cheung will make sure to capture your beautiful
faces on camera!
Cost: $15