Cultivating the Sacred Erotic Lover

Wednesday, May 23, 2018 at 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
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Subud House
330 Melville Ave
Palo Alto, CA

* Explore your Inner Lover and What Turns You On

* Deepen your Relationship to the Erotic, Sensual, Sexual, Emotional, Creative, Embodied, and Spiritual Realms of Being Human

* Ride the Waves of Energy into Creative Orgasmic Life Force Energy, Embodied Bliss, and Radiance

Through a variety of practices, you will learn to cultivate heart, sexual, and spiritual energy for your psychological and spiritual development and awaken the physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual body. Learn what's in the way and remove energetic blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs to your orgasmic spiritual consciousness.

Discover what does erotic means to you. What do you desire? How are you in relationship to your deepest inner Lover. What is your hottest erotic movie?

Integrating sex with all other aspects of my self gives me a sense of wholeness. Linking my sexual energy with my heart brings more of me into the relationship. I feel integrated, whole, all of me is present. Linking my sexuality and heart with the sacred opens me to a higher dimension of oneness and my sacred purpose of loving and living fully, openly, passionately, quietly, fiercely. It honors the divine in both relationship and our sexual nature, as God/Goddess intended.

Whether it’s seeing relationship as a sacred path; honoring the sacred union of opposites and becoming one; cultivating practices or experiences that deepen us into our sacred erotic nature; or having mystical, unitive, or other sacred sexual experiences, our sexuality calls us into a deeper knowing of ourselves and relationship to Spirit.

Facilitator: Valerie Sher, PhD is a licensed psychologist, educator, and international workshop leader. She has studied for decades in sexuality, sacred sexuality, relationships, intimacy, and attachment. She is currently writing a series of short stories on Sacred Erotica based on her experiences of the intersection of sexuality and spirituality.

Cost: TBD