Embodying Resilience: Virtual

Sunday, March 29, 2020 at 11 AM – 12:15 PM

Shift your Body, Shift your Mind.

We are being required to uplevel with this change.

I'm offering this class again because it was SO great and this time the tech will work! ;P

The ask has been on the table for many years now. We have reached the tipping point. Now we must look inside and draw on our internal resources and ask the big questions:

What is truly important?
How do I live in accordance and harmony with nature?
How do I thrive in the midst of change?

To help us restructure our minds we’ll approach gently through the body.

This class will be an embodied exploration of resilience. I will offer a flowing movement practice involving:
• Yogic practices from Sofiah Thom and Danyasa
• Adaptive energetic grounding work of Tadashi Suzuki
• Breathing practices
• Techniques from various movement practices within the Cocréa synthesis
• Environmental play to make use of our surroundings

The intention is to create the body as a dynamic, versatile, adaptive vessel that is resilient to change. We will find balance within movement, stillness within change, harmony amidst chaos.

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