Art of Fearless Intimacy: Sexual Polarity as a Spiritual Practice

November 3 - 5, 2017 (Friday – Sunday)

San Francisco, CA

The Art of Fearless Intimacy -a 3-day Deep Dive into the Art of Loving Fearlessly.

Would you love to know:
*How to create attraction in any moment?
*How to open your heart & stay connected with your lover, even when they are angry with you?
*How to turn your lover’s (or your own!) jealousy into an opportunity for deeper love?

In this 3-day Immersion, we will teach you how to {immediately} elevate your relating in any moment, and learn to circulate love & sexual energy through your body in ways you have only dreamed of.

You will leave with embodied practices, communication tools, and we will have plenty of time for personalized, in-the-moment feedback throughout the weekend.

For Her (or The Feminine Practice(s))
* Learn how to communicate deep desires from a place that brings out the best in your partner
* Learn how to run pleasure through your own body that enlivens you and bring energy to your sex and relationship
* Learn practices that deepen sexual polarity in virtually any moment

For Him (or The Masculine Practice(s))
* Learn how to lead your relationship powerfully from a place of deep integrity
* Learn physical and meditative practices that make you more trustable as a partner or lover
* Learn how to work with dark energy and do deep inner work that creates the most sublime & authentic relating

This event is for women & men, couples & singles. All genders welcome. We will be exploring & practicing with the Masculine & Feminine energies inherent within each of us. The only prerequisite is that you be ready to step outside your comfort zone, in service of real Authentic Intimacy.

Facilitators: John Wineland & Kendra Cunov

Cost: $800/single, $1,420/couple