Shamanic Drum Circle in Dublin

Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Unity of Tri-Valley Sanctuary
7567 Amador Valley Blvd., Suite 108,
Dublin, CA

Described as the "path of direct revelation", Journeying will help you to gain access to your inner guidance and learn to work with your helping spirits. We will enhance the relationship you already have with yourself and spirit. Moving from just trusting that your guides are there to knowing and working with them and allowing the mystery of life to unfold around you. One of the great benefits of shamanic journeying is learning that we are never alone and are loved unconditionally. 

Ashleigh Pevey is a trained CCHT (Clinical Certified Hypnotherapist), Shamanic healer and Reiki practitioner. In her private practice she is combining the three modalities to better help the body and mind reach a deep state of healing and integration, which in turn, helps one to live a balanced and empowered life.

Please join us for this sacred time as we come together in community with drumming, chanting, movement, meditation, stillness.... or whatever expression calls to your Soul. Much like a Sweat Lodge, we will drum in 3-4 rounds with intention to release the old, embrace the new, heal and transform. Please bring a drum and/or rattles. A few drums, rattles and shakers will be available. No prior drumming experience necessary, just come with an open heart.

Cost: $10 - $25 (Suggested Donations)