Shamanic Mystery Play Workshop

 Friday, June 5, 2015 @ 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

21020 Homestead Rd # B
Cupertino, CA

Sounds and vibrations have been used for shamanic purposes since ancient times providing positive impact on people spirit and consciousness, allowing people to reconnect with nature and to be in harmony with the world.

Please note, that this is not Sound Healing (although it is similar in some way), but a Shamanic Mystery Play. While Sound Healing is more about healing and positive influence of sounds on your body and its organs, Shamanic Mystery Play is more about helping you to reflect on your personal life and changing the world and achieving your goals (similar to how it is described in “The Secret”). In our Mystery Play you`ll get into Altered state of consciousness and would be able to see your life from a different perspective, which is a powerful tool for one`s life transformation.

In addition to traditional sound healing instruments we’ll use theremin, which is an old analog of synthesizer, invented by Lui Termen in 1919.

Cost: $25 online; $30 at the door