Sacred Snuggle Party A Tantric Second-Base Love Puddle

Friday, October 14, 2016 at 6:30 PM - 12:30 AM

4210 Holden St.,

Snuggle Party is a sweet sensual event where we gather to flirt, touch, massage, run tantric energy, play, laugh, cry, and share intimacy, vulnerability or whatever else spontaneously arises. It's a drug and alcohol-free party where we can relax and connect with like-minded people. Singles, married couples, celibates of any race, experience and sexual orientation are welcome. Most importantly, this is a laboratory to practice expressing what feels good and what doesn't, asking to get your needs met, setting boundaries, and perhaps even overcoming rejection!

6:30pm Doors Open, Mix & Mingle, Light Snacks
7:15pm Orientation and connection games (Doors close, nobody is admitted late)
8:15-9:15 Sensual exercises
9:15-11:15 Self-Directed Snuggle Party
11:15-11:30 Closing Circle
11:30-12:30am Chill & Mingle

Warning! Get ready for a heavy adult content!
Cost: $35 for singles, $65 for couples, $90 for triads