Healing Harp Immersion

Sunday, May 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM PDT

Sound Temple Healing Arts
503 D Street
Suite 6
San Rafael, CA

Unwind, relax and enjoy this unique sound healing experience. The Celtic harp has an ancient history of being used for healing and connecting to sacred, celestial realms. Let the crystalline sound of the harp carry you deep into your heart.

This sound healing meditation also includes voice, chimes, Tibetan bowls, drum, kalimba, angel harp, tuning forks and other instruments. Let go into the bliss of pure being through intentional sound and vibration. Christine will be joined by Kem Stone to create this meditative, peaceful experience.

There are many benefits to sound healing including the creation of deep states of relaxation that encourage brainwaves to shift from beta (alert, wakeful consciousness) to deeper states such as alpha, theta and even delta where deep rest and healing take place.

The nervous system shifts from the sympathetic (fight or flight) to the parasympathetic (rest and digest), heart rate, breathing and blood pressure decrease and consciousness can shift, open and expand.

We are vibrational beings. Come bring your intentions for healing and insight to this sacred circle of beauty and peace.

Please bring a blanket, yoga mat, pillows, eye pillow, water or anything else you might need to make yourself comfortable while laying down.

About Christine Tulis:

Christine feels a deep resonance with the ancient, sacred lineage focused on the transformational and healing powers of the harp. The harp has been played in cultures around the world to facilitate healing, access spiritual vision and connect with the celestial realms.

Christine's music is created out of a deep love of the harp and its archetypal role as a link between heaven and earth. She loves creating musical experiences that open inner gateways and support healing and spiritual awakening.

In addition to her musical and sound healing pursuits Christine is an extraordinary healing artist whose sessions include Master level Reiki energy healing, massage/bodywork, sound and the ancient art of Anointing with Holy Oils. Her sessions are nationally renowned for their transformational effects. Please visit her website to learn more and to schedule a private session.

Cost: $30