Attain the Highest Frequencies of Consciousness and Vibration

Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 10:00 AM – 5:20 PM PDT

Emeryville, CA

Attain the highest frequencies of consciousness and vibration in Private Sessions with Los Angeles based master teacher, and founder of Deep Emotional Release Bodywork and Quantum-Theta Healing, James Hyman

Are you looking to gain clarity? On a particular issue, issues, or on the forward path for your life? James' work is an excellent choice when you're at a crossroads and want to move your life forward to the next level.

Experience Deep Emotional Release in the group dynamic and learn how to use the higher frequency emotions to enter into a divine relationship with the quantum field better known as, the Now.

"We can only manifest in the Present Moment and we can only have it ALL in the Present Moment." James Hyman

James will work on everybody in the group to release whatever is blocking them in the Present Moment from experiencing Divine Bliss, and then he will guide people throughout the day into recognizing the relationship between awareness, presence, and all of the emotions, in order to experience conscious awakening in every Present Moment!

Cost: $225